1. Basic Criteria for Appointment
1.1 To be empanelled with the JAIAC, an applicant must demonstrate the following:
a. A Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (CIArb) or equivalent qualification;
b. Experience as an arbitrator or mediator; or
c. Experience in any other specialist fields deemed relevant by the Secretary-General; and
d. Not having been found guilty by a Court or Tribunal for misconduct such as fraud, corruption and any other disciplinary misconduct which the Secretary General finds will call into question the applicant’s ability to act as a panellist.
2. Making an Application
2.1 The prospective Panellist shall write formally to the Secretary General, together with the following documents:
a. Latest Curriculum vitae
b. Latest passport sized photograph
c. JAIAC Panellist’s form, which includes the following details:
i. education / qualification
ii. language
iii. membership / panelship with other arbitral / dispute resolution institutions, if any
iv. arbitration experience
3. Appointment
3.1 If the application is accepted, the Secretary General shall issue a formal Letter of Appointment together with a Certificate of Empanelment.
3.2 The relevant details of the Panellist will be uploaded onto the JAIAC website.
4. Appointment Term
4.1 A Panellist shall be appointed to be on JAIAC Panel for a period of three (3) consecutive years only (hereinafter referred to as ‘Term’), which may be renewed from time to time.
4.2 The Panellist’s appointment shall automatically expire upon the completion of the Term. Panellists are invited to re-submit the documents stated in Para 2.1 two (2) weeks prior to the end of the Term.
4.3 The Panellists shall be required to promptly update JAIAC of any changes to their contact details during the Term.
4.4 Upon review of the panellist’s application, the Secretary General may decide to renew the appointment of the Panellist for a further term of three (3) years.
5. Removal of JAIAC’s Panellist
5.1 The Panellists shall be bound by JAIAC’s Code of Conduct; failure to observe the said code of conduct may result in removal from the Panellist.
5.2 Notwithstanding the above, the Secretary General may remove a Panellist at any time during the Term without stating the reason.
5.3 The Secretary General’s decision on removal shall be final.